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Click to take a look at the merchandise offered by MOCADSV. All proceeds go directly to helping our organization.

Supporting Membership


Supporting memberships sustain MOCADSV’s mission to unite Missourians with a common value that rape and abuse must end. Becoming a supporting member demonstrates your commitment to help MOCADSV empower individuals with the tools and resources that change lives. Membership is active for 12 months and includes:

  • Receive public policy alerts and monthly legislative updates during legislative sessions
  • Public policy presence at the state and national level
  • Monthly MOCADSV newsletter
  • Reduced price on MOCADSV merchandise

The Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MOCADSV) unites Missourians with a shared value that rape and abuse must end and advances this through education, alliance, research and public policy. As a member, you agree to support the mission and purpose of MOCADSV. MOCADSV reserves the right to deny or rescind membership at any time; membership dues are non-refundable.


Supporting memberships sustain MOCADSV’s mission to unite Missourians with a common value that rape and abuse must end. Becoming a supporting member demonstrates your commitment to help MOCADSV empower individuals with the tools and resources that change lives. Membership is active for 12 months and includes:

  • Receive public policy alerts and monthly legislative updates during legislative sessions
  • Public policy presence at the state and national level
  • Monthly MOCADSV newsletter
  • Reduced price on MOCADSV merchandise

The Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MOCADSV) unites Missourians with a shared value that rape and abuse must end and advances this through education, alliance, research and public policy. As a member, you agree to support the mission and purpose of MOCADSV. MOCADSV reserves the right to deny or rescind membership at any time; membership dues are non-refundable.