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Executive Director

Job Description

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence seeks a relationship-oriented, emotionally intelligent, and strategic leader in the movement to end domestic violence, or allied movements, as Executive Director. The Executive Director will bring a spirit of humility and demonstrated commitment to racial and social justice alongside deep passion for helping shape the future of this movement in California in close partnership with members, the Board of Directors, staff, and other stakeholders. This position will drive the statewide development of intersectional alliances, bring together stakeholders addressing issues that intersect with domestic violence; advocating for policies and practices that prevent and reduce domestic violence in California; and providing technical assistance to the statewide network of domestic violence agencies. The ideal candidate brings team and/or organizational leadership experience, with a history of supporting staff members’ work and capacity; experience working in a coalition and/or engaging collaboratively with a complex set of stakeholders; domestic violence program expertise inclusive of prevention and intervention strategies; and financial and fundraising acumen at or near the scale of $5 million annually.

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MOCADSV provides a constructive entry point to information and resources in Missouri for people dealing with domestic and sexual violence, and those who could positively affect it with a greater understanding of the issue. By subscribing to our newsletter, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.